July 4, 2010

3 Weekend Recap aka Lot's of Firsts

So I finally made my first trip out to Index this last weekend. It was very eye opening as to what climbing on gear out here is going to take. Very different from back east. We only got in a few pitches because Rudy had to get home to pack for Atlanta, but the quality was outstanding. I only ended up top roping, but made up for it by getting on the stellar Marginal Karma (5.11b). I know I'll be able to lead it as soon as I can place my gear more efficiently. Can't wait to get back.

Ok, now to jump back to two weekends ago. The original plan was for Chelsea and I to head out to Little Si, but with Washington weather being what it is, we instead took the sure thing and headed out to Leavenworth. Nothing crazy went down, but Chelsea got back on Scrabbled Eggs (V8) for a second time and was very close to sending. Considering she hasn't trained for bouldering in months, this is a problem that should go down easy in the fall when she's back in shape for it. As for me, I messed around on some easier problems until we made our way over to the Swift Water area. There is a schist cave in the back corner of the picnic area that made me quite homesick for Rumney. I only did the V7 line, but it's first hard schist climbing I'd done since the move and it got me wicked psyched for my trip home in late August.

Then there was last weekend. Two solid days of real rock action. Saturday was spent running sport routes at the Nevermind Wall at Exit 38 with Andy. A solid day that went 5.1a, 5.12a, 5.11b, 5.12a, 5.10d. The endurance in slowly coming back. But then there was sunday, the day of power pulling on the boulders of Gold Bar. I had one clear goal heading up there, Twisted (V10). I had worked on the problem once before a few months ago, putting in at least 15 tries. So after a long hike and a quick warm up, I went back to battle with my nemesis. It got an early lead by spitting me off the first of the hard moves, a move I had gotten dialed on the previous session. I got the feel for the move back after several attempts and then the work began. Attempt after attempt, but the no progress was to be made. I was starting to think that it would no go after all, but I didn't plan to stop trying until I didn't have any skin left on my fingers. And then it happened. A slight twist of my right foot, putting my body in a slightly different position, allowing me to hold onto that bad vertical pinch. I had that momentary pause where I realized that I was not hitting the pad below me, but in fact, was still on the rock. I quickly got my wits about me, snagged the next crimp and finally latched the first of the top out jugs. I rocked up onto the moss laden slab and carefully made my way up and over to the easy walk off the back side. I had finally done it! After more than 30 tries, I'd finally done my first V10! While this was a goal I could only dream of 3 years ago, I now know that it is only the beginning of things to come. Especially if I can build the endurance to transfer this power to longer rope routes. This coming year is looking very bright indeed.

See you on the rocks!


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